Friday, April 27, 2007

My new blog, woohoo!

So as you all can clearly read, I, Simon Curtis, purveyor of pop and stalwart slayer of salacious smut (not really, just wanted to say that :) have decided to make the foray into the world of blogging. To what ends this will lead, if any, I do not know. I can say, however, that I vow to at least make daily attempts at entertaining the poor saps who happen to stumble upon this den of depravity, and try to thoroughly reshape the landscape of their minds... in the meantime here is some other shit I wrote for Paul over at my beloved Zapping, not to mention a stellar video of my idol that I am sure you have all seen a hundred thousand times, but I just can never seem to get enough of the most disgusting thing you'll ever see (and NO the Britney video and that one are two seperate things!)

And maybe if you're good I'll throw in a little Whitney Houston commercial that just gets me every time :P

Here's the link to my Hilary Duff and Timbaland reviews as featured on TheZapping;

BAHAHAHAHA no matter how many times I see that, I just can't ever seem to get enough

"My Jawl hurts"

"You ever have butterbeans?"

"You ever seen Back to The Futures? You believe in that? Ti-time trakspeedtravel?"

Just absolutely too much to list

Now HERE is THE SINGLEMOST DISGUSTING THING YOU SHALL EVER SEE IN YOUR LIFE, and the reason why I refuse to eat at the restaurants in my neighborhood! :P

Here she is, the diva herself, promoting her upcoming classics collection, ladies and gentleman, I give you the one, the only, Ms. Whitney Houston;


I love you all