Tuesday, May 1, 2007

And I laughed...really hard

My brethren, we gather here today to discuss the beauty, the complexity, the fine-tuned tact and subtle comedy that is Strangers With Candy.

I was first exposed to the genius of Amy Sedaris and crew a little over a year ago, and my life has truly never been the same. Like a fine wine, the short-lived Comedy Central series gets progressively better with age it seems.

The series, in summation, is about a woman in her late forties who (after a life of drugs and deliquency) returns to finish the life she so eagerly left behind in her youth and re-enrolls in her old high school; the aptly named, Flatpoint High (a name that, in a way, sums up the entire series' brand of humour).

If you have never indulged, I urge you to run, not walk, to the nearest Borders and buy the entire series on DVD, you will be ever thankful for my recommendation I promise!

Tried to find some more clips on Youtube, but this is all I could find!

And don't worry, I'll get to all of that music hoohah tomorrow or something :)

Here is the trailer for the not-quite-as-hilarious, but-still-darn-funny movie

and just to show you that she does not, in reality, look like the crypt-keeper's daughter, here is a rather delightful little clip of dear Ms. Sedaris hawking her book on Amazon.com

and here is the infamous PSA clip that inspired the character, Jerri Blank...you will not believe this woman

Well that is all for today folks, I promise some music-related news here tomorrow and perhaps a little more insight into the crazy, crazy world of Simon Curtis :P

Now, I have to go poop

1 comment:

Jason said...

Yes!! This show is sooo awesome. I was exposed to it a few years ago, brilliant!